Finally, a Blog to Help
You Run a Law Firm

 There’s no road map for running a successful legal practice, but we’re changing that. We’ve learned what makes a law firm thrive, and we’re sharing our insights with you. Bookmark our blog to learn tips for growing your firm, industry best practices, and so much more.

First Impressions and Enhancing Client Onboarding with Backdocket

First Impressions and Enhancing Client Onboarding with Backdocket

A new client’s first encounter with your firm can set the stage for the relationship. A smooth and professional onboarding…

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Streamlining Client Intake: How Backdocket Reduces Paperwork and Increases Efficiency

Streamlining Client Intake: How Backdocket Reduces Paperwork and Increases Efficiency

The client intake process is a critical first step in establishing a relationship and gathering essential information in the legal…

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Breaking Out of the Silos: How Backdocket Can Facilitate Team Collaboration

Breaking Out of the Silos: How Backdocket Can Facilitate Team Collaboration

Communication and collaboration are two major keys to success in the world of law. However, many law firms struggle with…

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