All Your Firm’s Information in One
Easily Accessible Platform

The problem facing law firms:

“Where’s that file?!”

Your staff spends more time searching for information than they should. Clients want updates, and you want cases to progress as quickly as possible.

But a lack of organization becomes a bottleneck.

The result? You’re less profitable because cases progress slowly, clients get tired of playing phone tag and the lack of appreciation for their time, and your team’s time and energy are wasted digging for information that should be readily available.

How backdocket solves the problem:

Every team member can be a case manager.

Client information—anytime you need it

With backdocket, your client’s information is always in an easy-to-find location. Anyone on your team can access it at any time. Whether it’s the status of claim or a reminder about an important, upcoming event in your client’s life, information is always a click away.

Custom fields and search options give you easy access to case notes, records requests, case statuses, and any and all other needed information.

Every team member can tell a client what they want to know. Clients won’t need to wait for their attorney to tell them what’s happening with their case.

Benefits beyond client relations

Data drives so many business decisions, but what if that data is decentralized or, even worse, missing entirely?

Backdocket gives you the opportunity to improve your firm’s internal processes. With easy access to financials, intake data, marketing KPIs, and conversion rates, you’ll no longer be operating in the dark.

Having all your data centralized lets you see the bigger picture about where your cases are coming from and even where your marketing dollars will be most effective.

A better way to run a firm

Too many firms are storing critical information in simple spreadsheets or on paper. As one of our clients put it, “[Before backdocket,] it was like keeping track on a cocktail napkin.”

Your staff needs a better way to tap into your full potential as a firm. Backdocket is the best practice management software for growing firms who want ease-of-use and customization. You’ll save time you didn’t even know you were wasting.

Find out what backdocket can do for you

When you choose backdocket, you aren’t just getting a case management system; you’re getting a support team that makes sure your case management system is doing exactly what you need it to do.

Empower your firm to give clients the best service possible. Contact us now to learn how backdocket can solve your firm’s biggest challenges.

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