A System That Facilitates
Your Way of Doing Things

The problem facing law firms:

“How do I work this thing?!”

Your current case management software forces you into its way of doing things, and it’s just not working. Your dashboards are littered with information you never use. Navigating this software takes too much time.

Out of frustration, you start using your own methods of keeping track of cases, and you’re paying for software you rarely use.

How backdocket solves the problem:

Skip the learning curve and start working smarter today.

Customization you won’t find with any other case management software

Backdocket’s dashboard can be whatever YOU need it to be. Our software is customizable out of the box. Our onboarding specialists work closely with you to make sure backdocket does what you need it to do. You’ll be able to easily customize and build reports yourself­, with no need to pay any additional service fees or enlist the help of techs.

With backdocket, you won’t need to cater your workflow to accommodate an overly complicated system. Instead, you’ll work in a system that improves what you’re already doing.

Onboarding that allows you to hit the ground running

The backdocket onboarding process isn’t limited to a batch of videos you have to watch like it is with other software. You’ll meet with backdocket specialists who learn how you work. Then, we do a custom build, migrating all relevant data and giving you hands-on training on how to use your new practice management system.

Our biggest priority during the onboarding process is ensuring your confidence in the software. We won’t leave you to your own devices until you’re ready.

Ongoing support from the backdocket team

We don’t just stop at the onboarding process. Our team is available whenever you need us. We’ll continue to adjust the system, improving your workflow based on your feedback and preferences.

Let us show you how backdocket can help

Using a case management software shouldn’t be hard. The best case management software for your law firm should be the one that immediately improves how you do things.

Our practice management software is designed to make your work easier. If you’re ready to find out how backdocket can improve your way of working, contact us now to speak to our team.

Schedule Your Consultation

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